Monday, 23 July 2012

Who’s telling lie?

If you read the news in China you can see Beijing is hugely affected by the rain and flooding was everywhere. 37 people were killed according to the official statistics. Of course, like most of the general public that don’t trust what the government say, I believe the number of death is much higher. Anyway.

One interesting story popped out is that the public question why the municipal government didn’t send out mass text message to warn Beijing residents about the danger.           The Beijing Meteorological Bureau said the population of Beijing is around 20 million and 95% of them have mobile phone. However, number of mobile communication station for sending out text message is limited. They have tested it with China Unicom and it takes 1 second to send out 400 text messages. According to the sending speed, it will take long time for all resident to receive the warning text message. However, on 23 July, the three biggest telecommunication carriers (or the only three) – China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom responded to the statement by the meteorological bureau that there is NO technical challenge in sending out text message to all population in Beijing. Beijing China Mobile said they have been working with the Beijing municipal government for long time, but the meteorological bureau hasn’t worked with them before.

Who’s telling lie? 


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